


Monday, July 14, 2014

Clean Start Miami Foot Detox

Clean Start is a holistic cleansing center that offers multiple services including; Foot Detox, Colon Hydrotherapy, Massages, Facials, Acupuncture, Body Wraps, Vibrational Therapy, Iridology and much more. They specialize in helping clients maintain a naturally "Clean" lifestyle, with daily yoga classes and recommended herbs to help jump start a new healthy body journey.

This cleansing center is one of the best experience I've had in a while - seriously. I've been wanting to get a foot detox for a long time now (check 12 Beauty Resolutions ), fortunately the wait was well worth it.  It didn't take long until my sister and I were seated to begin our detox, but while we patiently waited we had a chance to browse around the shop and look at the variety of cleanses, herbs and essential oils mounted on the wall. My sister ended up purchasing the essential oil named "Bergamot" which helps emit positive feelings, but I'll go into the purpose of essential oils in another post. 

We began our foot detox by placing our feet into a small bath of water that was hooked up to a ion machine. The machine produces negative ions into the water which creates a positive cellular environment allowing your body to detox itself through the feet.  The whole 23 minute process is super exciting to watch. We saw immediate results once our clear water started turning different colors. I noticed a lot of deep orange and browns in my water, which according to the chart, signifies that most of my impurities were being cleansed from my joints and liver. I also had a few white particles in my water which meant I had a lot of yeast in my system... maybe i should lay off the bread? 

After the detox I felt complete rejuvenated, I felt lighter as opposed to feeling weighed down and fatigued as I usually do, I noticed immediate results. There is no set limit of how many times your supposed to have a foot detox, but its recommended to detox at least 2x a month for the best results.

The benefits of having a foot detox are insurmountable, but here a couple to get a general idea...

Benefits/Symptoms and Conditions That May Improve:
  • Joint Paint and Arthritis
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Poor Concentration
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor Circulation
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • Allergies
  • Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Parasites
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Weak Immune System 

Overall, I had a wonderful experience getting a foot detox. The friendly/informative staff. the various holistic products, and the extensive list of services they provide are all reasons to visit Clean Start Miami.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sephora Mini Haul

So, I had no plans to buy anything from Sephora today - until I smelled Elizabeth and James Nirvana Black. This scent literally smells like heaven. It's a balanced mix of masculine and feminine scents, alluring to most sensitive of noses. With light notes of violet, sandalwood and vanilla this aroma leaves a trail of mystery and sensuality following behind you. 

NARS Carthage has been on my wishlist for quite some time now. Since I already established that I wasn't leaving Sephora empty handed, I decided that I should treat myself to one more item. 
This hot pink matte lipstick is the perfect essential for this summers bold looks. The staying power of all NARS products is remarkably outstanding. Margaritas and Macaroons don't stand a chance to this pigmented lipstick. 

Elizabeth and James Nirvana Black: $22.00

NARS Carthage: $26.00

Monday, June 16, 2014

5 Things To Expect From a Interracial Relationship


Admit it; we’ve all had second thoughts about that cute white boy who winked at us in the grocery line, or that sexy trainer who kind of resembles the 1998 version of Brad Pitt.  I know I have – more than once. You can’t convince me Channing Tatum, Liam Hemsworth and Ryan Gosling aren’t heaven sent.
There’s absolutely no reason to be ashamed about liking men from different races, especially white men.  For some reason society has somehow convinced us that dating outside our race is the biggest stigma since Olivia Pope and Fitz (temporarily) broke up. Luckily more people are beginning to broaden their dating pool and are becoming more comfortable mingling   outside their race. With celebs like Eve and Maximillion Cooper, Tamera and Adam Housely and Zoe Saldana and pretty much everyone she’s ever dated, interracial dating is finally becoming the new norm. Interracial relationships – just like all relationships, requires a lot of work, but potentially falling in love is worth the risk right? I think so. With that being said, here are five things to expect in an interracial relationship:

  1. Strange Looks From Strangers-
    As beautiful as interracial dating is, many people haven’t socially accepted the idea of different races canoodling with each other.  So be prepared to be gawked at, for both positive and negative reasons. Onlookers will either be delighted to see a beautiful couple or they’ll be throwing so much shade Rihanna’s bright diamonds couldn’t shine. So odd looks, disapproving stares and envious eyes will probably be the first noticeable gesture about interracial relationships.  But please, pleaaaase don’t get discouraged, you never know if one of those envious sets of eyes are looking at you with a sense of inspiration rather than disapprovement.

  2. Questions About Your Hair -
    I’m Black. That statement alone says a lot about my hair. I thoroughly embrace my lovely versatile strands. I have the option of straightening my hair one day, wearing it curly the next and maybe adding a few bundles of 18 inch Malaysian body wave when I’m feeling extra “fawncy” *dramatic hair flip. However, though black women are very familiar with the versatility of their hair, a lot of other races aren’t. I can guarantee you Billy from down the street is still scratching his head trying to figure out how Beyoncé grew out her pixie cut so fast. So tantalizing questions and vividly visual explanations about length, texture, and the complete sew-in process can definitely be expected.
  3. Culturally Curious Conversations-
    A lot of people experience different cultures through media and media only – which is sad, but realistic. It’s easy to assume that black people like; chicken, watermelon, rap music and fighting, I mean that’s what’s portrayed on TV right? So don’t get offended when your new beau buys you “NWA’s Greatest Hits” album, just calmly explain to him that you’re more of a Celine Dion type of girl. Dating interracially is a learning experience, so leave the stereotypes in the past and walk into this relationship with an open mind; because it’s highly likely you guys have more in common than you think.

  4. The Motion of The Ocean-
    Ahh, the controversial stereotype of black men and their Mandingo sized ____ ß fill in the blank. I’ve come across many men who are intimidated to date black women because of the insecurity that they will not be able to please them. But contrary to popular belief, pleasing a woman has nothing to do with the size of your manhood. Passion, sensuality and a frequent appetite is what pleases a woman. So when your man is a little discouraged about his performing techniques, just remind him that it’s not about the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean.
  5. A Great Time –
    Dating interracially is truly a life changing experience. You’ll become more cultured, experiencing different ethnicities first handily. You’ll become more confident, because you’ll learn how to silence all of the negative comments from others and focus on your happiness. And most importantly, you’ll broaden your chances in finding true love. Despite what critics say, love has no color, only an intense feeling towards another person. Even if you don’t end up marrying interracially it’ll be an experience worth having.

    With all that being said, dating interracially is certainly something to consider when looking for a relationship. White/Spanish/Indian/Greek guys are just as curious as you. So next time you think about walking away from the cutie in the grocery line, take a moment to realize that you could be walking away from your soul mate.

    Popular Interracial Couples
    Halle Berry and Oliver Martinez
    Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana
    Naomi Campbell and Vladislav Doronin
    Iman and David Bowie
    Melanie Hobbs and George Lucas
    Paula Patton and Robin Thicke
    Zoe Saldana and Marco Perego
    Tamera Mowry and Adam Housley
    Garcelle Beauvais and Mike Nilon
    Eve and Maximillion Cooper
    Alfre Woodward and Rodrick Spencer
    Grace Hightower and Robert De Niro

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

DIY Teeth Whitening Treatment

What You'll Need

Baking soda
1/2 of a lemon 

Step 1: 

Pour 1/4 of baking soda into a bowl 

Step 2: 

Squeeze lemon juice into bowl to create a thick mixture 

Step 3: 

Use a q-tip or Cotton ball to apply paste to teeth. Leave on for about 3-5 mins 

Step 4: 

Brush teeth with normal toothpaste afterwards 

*This ensures that the acidity from the lemon juice is fully washed away. If not then the acid will begin to eat away at the enamel of your teeth. 

Use this treatment 2x a week to see great results! 

Quick 2 Minute Breakfast Idea[s]

What You'll Need: 

Orange Juice

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nars Velvet Matte

I absolutely love all NARS products. Foundations, mascaras, eyeliners, blushes, nail polishes and last but certainly not least their lipsticks. I usually stick to their Pure Matte Lipstick, but I've been dying to find a matte coral and unfortunately they didn't have what I was looking for. Luckily their Velvet Matte Pencil Line had the perfect coral. This color is named Red Square and it's gorgeous! The color pigment last all day long, with a few touch ups here and there after eating and drinking.
* This pencil can be found at Sephora for $25.00.

2 Minute Healthy Breakfast Idea

2 Minute Breakfast Idea[s]
What You'll Need:
Step 1: 
Start with plain vanilla yogurt
Step 2:

Add granola on top
Step 3:

Add cut up slices of bananas

Step 4:

Add honey on top and voilà !

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

6 Benefits of Facial Steaming

Sitting in the steam room after the gym has slowly became my “thing”. Honestly I look forward to my 15 minute steam sessions more than my Zumba classes… and I love my Zumba classes. However, I’ve been noticing a dramatic change of my skin within the last month. My overall skin texture has smoothened out, my skin tone is more radiant than ever, and breakouts? Ha! What’s that?!

Because I can’t physically take the steam room home with me to practice my new fond beauty regimen daily, I decided to purchase the Conair Facial Sauna System. I shopped around before making my final purchase, and I ended up spending only $22.00 (I purchased mine from Amazon.com).


Here are just some of benefits of facial steaming:

·         Detox’s pores which will prevent future breakouts

·         Aids in shedding dead skin, revealing new brighter skin

·         Loosens up unsightly blackheads and whiteheads to make them easier to remove

·         Boost blood circulation

·         Helps prevent wrinkles

·         Moisturizes skin


To spice up my steaming process, I add a couple of drops of Tea Tree Oil. This helps intensify the detoxification of pores and can also be used as a spot treatment to help fight those annoying pimples that won’t go away!

*If shoveling out 20 bucks is too much, you can achieve the same results by placing your face over a pot of boiling hot water with a towel over your head to help trap the steam.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

Jennifer Zeuner Chelsea Horizontal Bar Necklace

So I've been lusting after this necklace for months, and after a successful semester in school I felt I deserved it! 

This sleek everyday gold necklace is encrusted with a single diamond to help add a dainty yet glamorous feeling to any outfit. 

Visit www.jenniferzeuner.com to view her full collection of necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, anklets and personalized jewelry. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

My 12 Beauty Resolutions


12. Experience More with Eye Shadows
I have a habit of drawing the perfect cat-eye, layering on coats of mascara and feeling complete. But it seems a simple cat-eye isn't cutting it these days - and I kind of like the new change. All of the glistening gold’s, shimmering browns and  metallic coppers in Urban Decay's Naked 3 Palette have definitely caught my attention... or should I say eye?!

11. Nail Maintenance
Manicured nails say a lot about the overall maintenance and upkeep of yourself. If I can’t find the time to stop by the salon to get a quick Mani & Pedi, then I will proudly wip out my manicure kit and file, buff and polish away. However, between cheerleading practice, weight training and constant tapping on the computer/phone, my weekly Mani’s last about 3 days. Sad right? So for my New Year’s Resolution I plan to make more time to file a broken nail or repaint a chipped nail. I'm looking for cute small kits to carry around with me in my purse; Sephora has a lot of Mani kits to choose from.

10. Embrace Natural Hairstyles
I have very curly hair, a mixture of 3C and 3B can describe my texture. Maintaining my curls takes a lot of product and work. In the morning the easiest thing for me to do is to throw it in a messy bun and head out. Although I enjoy this cute style, I've noticed that it is ruining my curl pattern and causing a lot of frizz due to the constant brushing. This year I am really excited about playing with different hairstyles and products to help define my curls, Shea Mousiture Curling Gel and Mousse have my name all over it. No more hiding these lovely locks!

9. Tinted Moisturizer
For the majority of 2013, I focused on clearing up my sensitive/oily skin my parents have blessed me with. Luckily I’ve managed to find a regimen that has worked wonders for my overall skin tone and complexion, I haven't had a breakout in months *see Drink Your Way to Clearer Skin*. Now that my skin is feeling at its best, I think it’s time to take on a foundation - a light foundation. With my schedule anything to heavy will require more work than I can allot for, which is why I have my eye on Nars Tinted Moisturizer. I already adore their products, so I'm sure I wont be let down.

8. Monthly Leg Waxing
Okay, let’s admit it.... Shaving is horrible; it’s terrible- point blank. I swear every time I shave my legs my hair grows back twice as fast and with a vengeance. This is why I’ve traded in my razor for a wax appointment. Yea, this barter may sound a bit painful, but ill choose a 20 minute session of silky smooth legs over an agonizing daily shaving session any day. I'm still on the lookout for a great spa, anything with a scenic beach veiw has got my vote!

7. Master Perfect Blowout
I’ve mentioned my hair before on my resolutions list, clearly I'm [proudly] obsessed with these locks of mine! Although I plan on embracing my curls for the majority of the year, nothing beats a perfect blowout. There’s just this undeniable confidence you feel when your hair is blowing in the wind. I'm saving for the Featherweight T3 Blow dryer, T3 Flat Iron, a professional hair dryer, Kerastase Ultime line and aloooot of rollers. I’ve sat in the salon chair for years watching their technique, I'm sure it can’t be that difficult... right?

6. Lip Gloss! Lipstick! And Lip balm!
There’s this quote that has been floating around social networks which reads “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together -Elizabeth Taylor". While I may have the drink part down pat *sips mimosa*, I'm still working on the lipstick part. I've always been a neutral hue type of girl when it came to lip color, but recently I’ve been dwelling onto the brighter side of things and experimenting more with color. I've noticed that lipstick not only completes my outfit, but it immediatly changes my mood, it just makes me feel sexy and I want to feel sexy everyday this year! Nars matte lipsticks have been my favorite so far, I’m looking forward to try other brands such as YSL and MAC.

5. Foot Detox - Clean Start Miami
I stumbled across Clean Start Miami on instagram, and have been trying to book an appointment for months, but my schedule just wont allow it. However I will no longer deny my precious feet of this well needed royal treatment. The Iconic Foot Detox at Clean Start Miami removes impurities from the feet which have the potential benefits to improve a number of health related issues such as; Fatigue, Obesity, Sleeplessness, Poor Concentration, Hormonal Imbalance and many more. Check out their website CleanStartMiami.com

4. Healthier Teeth
Okay, I'll admit it, I probably don't brush the recommended 3+ times a day, floss between meals or gargle and rinse as much as I should. But really, how many of us do? This is why I’m really making an avid attempt to take care of my pearly whites. There are a lot of natural DIY oral remedies that I'm looking forward to trying; I'm planning on developing a regimen I can stick to for a while. If the DIY treatments arent as effective as I'd like them to be, then I'll def. purchase the Glo Personal Teeth Whitening Device, I've heard great reviews.

3. Take Daily Vitamins
Popping pills isn't always a bad thing, contrary to popular rap songs these days... Well maybe those are, but the pills I'm referring too are vitamins. I've just ordered my Viviscal hair vitamins and can’t wait to start my journey to long healthy hair! Yes, I am obsessed with my hair. The other vitamin I am looking forward to trying is Maca Root. This supplement is extremely good for energy - which I seem to run out of throughout my 12hr workdays. Also it has powerful stress fighting adaptogens which puts you in a positive mood all the time. Hello Mondays!

2. Find New Eyebrow Guru
I’ve established that I am obsessed with my hair; however my eyebrows equally hold my attention. I’ve been going to the same eyebrow esthetician for 7 years. I'm very faithful when I find a guru. Unfortunately my guru has relocated to a different state and left me....untamed -literally. So now I'm on the hunt for a new lifelong friend/eyebrow guru. I've got my eye on a couple of places and people. @lucyrbrows is my top pick for now, something tells me I won’t be let down :)

1. Embrace Flaws
Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. There is no one particular description of what beauty is, because it is everything. I will spend 2014 embracing everything about me, from my unruly hair to my funny shaped toes. Why? Because in order to be beautiful you must feel it. Beauty truly does come from within, it’s something you radiate, not something you see. So here's to; embracing my flaws, smiling more, and feeling great! 2014 will be a BeYouTiful year!