


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baked Brown Sugar Teriyaki Salmon

So I was really craving seafood the other day, and decided to indulge myself. After 8 California Rolls [yes 8... horrible I know] my thirst still hadn't been satisfied. So for dinner I put a tasty spin on my traditional salmon recipe. Here's How.
What You'll Need: 
Black Pepper 
Brown Sugar 
Soy Sauce 

Step 1: After washing the salmon, lightly dust it with black pepper. 

Step 2: In a separate container combine soy sauce and brown sugar until you've created a thick mixture. 

Step 3: Spread the mixture all over the salmon and place a small amount of butter on top of it. 

Step 4: Wrap the salmon in foil and place it in the over for 20-30 mins at a temperature of 425. 

*I added asparagus and hawaiian bread as a side... And yes I cheated with the bread! 


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