


Monday, July 14, 2014

Clean Start Miami Foot Detox

Clean Start is a holistic cleansing center that offers multiple services including; Foot Detox, Colon Hydrotherapy, Massages, Facials, Acupuncture, Body Wraps, Vibrational Therapy, Iridology and much more. They specialize in helping clients maintain a naturally "Clean" lifestyle, with daily yoga classes and recommended herbs to help jump start a new healthy body journey.

This cleansing center is one of the best experience I've had in a while - seriously. I've been wanting to get a foot detox for a long time now (check 12 Beauty Resolutions ), fortunately the wait was well worth it.  It didn't take long until my sister and I were seated to begin our detox, but while we patiently waited we had a chance to browse around the shop and look at the variety of cleanses, herbs and essential oils mounted on the wall. My sister ended up purchasing the essential oil named "Bergamot" which helps emit positive feelings, but I'll go into the purpose of essential oils in another post. 

We began our foot detox by placing our feet into a small bath of water that was hooked up to a ion machine. The machine produces negative ions into the water which creates a positive cellular environment allowing your body to detox itself through the feet.  The whole 23 minute process is super exciting to watch. We saw immediate results once our clear water started turning different colors. I noticed a lot of deep orange and browns in my water, which according to the chart, signifies that most of my impurities were being cleansed from my joints and liver. I also had a few white particles in my water which meant I had a lot of yeast in my system... maybe i should lay off the bread? 

After the detox I felt complete rejuvenated, I felt lighter as opposed to feeling weighed down and fatigued as I usually do, I noticed immediate results. There is no set limit of how many times your supposed to have a foot detox, but its recommended to detox at least 2x a month for the best results.

The benefits of having a foot detox are insurmountable, but here a couple to get a general idea...

Benefits/Symptoms and Conditions That May Improve:
  • Joint Paint and Arthritis
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Poor Concentration
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor Circulation
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • Allergies
  • Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Parasites
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Weak Immune System 

Overall, I had a wonderful experience getting a foot detox. The friendly/informative staff. the various holistic products, and the extensive list of services they provide are all reasons to visit Clean Start Miami.

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