


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Drink Your Way to Clearer Skin

Your skin is a direct reflection of what is going on inside your body. Although topical face washes and creams contribute greatly in helping reduce acne, clearing acne from the inside out is much more effective. Drastically changing your diet would be the ideal thing to do, but lets be real... Ain't nobody got time for that! But drinking your way to clear skin is not only easier but extremely effective. 

For the past few weeks I've changed my [drinking] diet from fruit juices and teas to natural detoxing alternatives. And I can honestly say that my skin has not been this radiant in well... Ever! 

Here's How I Did It: 
Morning: 1 tablespoon of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. Which helps aid in detoxifying impurities from your body. *this also can be used topically*.
Afternoon: Water with lemon. Instead of juices throughout the day. Water will flush out the impurities while the lemon aids in helping detox.

Night: Yogi Skin Detox Tea is formulated to help promote cleansing and detoxifying of the liver.

Drinking these natural detoxing drinks throughout the day will help you achieve the clear and radiant skin you've been longing for. Bottoms up! 

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