


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Brown Sugar, Honey, Lemon and Almond Oil Scrub

With the seasons constantly changing, our skin tends to take a pretty serious beating. Many forget that that their skin happens to be the largest organ on their body and often neglect it. Exfoliating your skin at least 3 times a week will help ensure the radiance and smoothness every woman dreams of! And what makes this ritual even better is the fact that you don't have to spend a million bucks for a great exfoliant, you probably already have these natural items in your kitchen. So lets get started!

                 What you will need:
                      Brown Sugar
                      1 Lemon
                      Almond Oil
                     *Mason Jar
                      How to:
* Because the preference of how much scrub you want to make will vary, I will use general terms to avoid confusion.

Step-1: (Brown Sugar will be your main ingredient in this scrub, it's the base of the whole scrub, so when combining ingredients it's imperative to add an adequate amount of brown sugar to avoid your scrub becoming liquified). Add your Brown Sugar into a large mixing bowl. [Brown Sugar is an AMAZING natural scrub! It has fine crystals and is not so abrasive that it will harm the skin.... Plus it taste yummy!]

Step-2:  Squeeze lemon juice into the sugar, make sure to stir as your adding the lemon juice. This will avoid the clumpyness of the scrub. [Lemon juice aids as a natural skin lightener, this well help fade any dark spots that may be bothering you].

Step-3: After adding raw lemon juice, add about 2 tablespoons of honey. The honey will help the scrub stick together creating a more thick luxe scrub. [Also, the honey aids as a skin brightener as well as helping fight infections from skin].

Step-4: Adding the Almond Oil is another very important step, you don't want to add to much or it will end up ruining the whole scrub. After you've thoroughly mixed all the above ingredients and monitored the thickness of your scrub, now you can add the oil. Add about 3 teaspoons (depending on now much scrub you've made) to the mix and continue to stir as your adding. 

Step-5: Let your scrub sit for about 15-20 minutes so all the ingredients can thicken, this ensures the richness of your scrub. 

Step-6: While your waiting feel free to decorate your Mason Jar or any other container you may be using to put your scrub in. This makes the process go by faster, plus you'll have a cute jar! 

Final Step: Transfer your scrub into your Mason Jar/Container and go take the luxiourious shower you deserve!!!

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