


Saturday, September 7, 2013

DIY Summer Highlights

Although summer may be over [depending on where you live] its never to late to brighten up your look with some essential natural highlights!

 What you will need: 
 Chamomile Tea 
 3-4 Lemons 
Coconut Oil
 Spray Bottle 
*Organic Honey

 How To:

Step 1- Boil water and add atleast 3-4 chamomile tea bags [the more tea bags you have the stronger lightening treatment you will make]. 

Step 2- After you've added the tea bags, squeeze the lemons into the your treatment.

Step 3- *If your adding honey [which I highly recommend, because it's a natural peroxide and will virtually lighten anything], use about two tablespoons to your treatment. 

Step 4- Apply half the treatment to wet hair and place a shower cap on to ensure the treatment doesn't get messy. Pour the other half into the spray bottle.

Step 5- Applying this treatment works best on a super sunny beach day, however you will still see results if you do this at home.

Step 6- Keeping the treatment in your hair for about 2-3 hours, make sure you regularly use your spray bottle to spray the areas you want to see maximum results in. 

Step 7- After you've completed your 3 hour DIY hair treatment it's important to reapply mouisture back into your hair. Use the richest conditioner you can find (Shea Mouisture products are my favorite, plus they're organic) and apply a deep conditioning mask.

Step 8- After your mask it's imperative to seal the mousiturization in with any type of oil [I recommend coconut oil]. Because of the high levels of acidity used by the lemons, your hair will be severely dry and brittle. Applying coconut oil adds the needed mouisture while strengthening the hair shaft, which will promote hair growth. 

Step 9- Apply treatment for the next few weeks until your happy with your results. 

Step 10- Rock those natural highlights !!!

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