


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

6 Benefits of Facial Steaming

Sitting in the steam room after the gym has slowly became my “thing”. Honestly I look forward to my 15 minute steam sessions more than my Zumba classes… and I love my Zumba classes. However, I’ve been noticing a dramatic change of my skin within the last month. My overall skin texture has smoothened out, my skin tone is more radiant than ever, and breakouts? Ha! What’s that?!

Because I can’t physically take the steam room home with me to practice my new fond beauty regimen daily, I decided to purchase the Conair Facial Sauna System. I shopped around before making my final purchase, and I ended up spending only $22.00 (I purchased mine from Amazon.com).


Here are just some of benefits of facial steaming:

·         Detox’s pores which will prevent future breakouts

·         Aids in shedding dead skin, revealing new brighter skin

·         Loosens up unsightly blackheads and whiteheads to make them easier to remove

·         Boost blood circulation

·         Helps prevent wrinkles

·         Moisturizes skin


To spice up my steaming process, I add a couple of drops of Tea Tree Oil. This helps intensify the detoxification of pores and can also be used as a spot treatment to help fight those annoying pimples that won’t go away!

*If shoveling out 20 bucks is too much, you can achieve the same results by placing your face over a pot of boiling hot water with a towel over your head to help trap the steam.  

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